Family, Words of Wisdom

Lessons for my Tribelet’s

Lessons for my Tribelets

This has been sitting in my draft for 2 years now as I still have some much to say.  But then I had a little think about the person I am and realised I would always something to say. So this will  be a work in progress blog post.  So for now my Tribelet’s, keep these things in mind:

  • Don’t be afraid to sit in the front row of your life.
  • Fashion comes, fashion goes but when it comes to pink & red / black & brown, never the 2 colours should meet.
  • You matter.
  • Travel as much as you can, see the world and see our beautiful country.
  • Sometimes it is okay if the only thing you did today is breathe.
  • Please don’t smoke, you know how much I hate it and how horrible it looks. Oh, and how bad it is for you.  
  • If you stumble, make it part of your dance.
  • Olives are not an acquired taste, they are plain nasty.  
  • Love truly does make the world go round.
  • Remember when you look up at the stars your Pops is the brightest one, looking over you.
  • Try everything at least once! Expect for drugs, skydiving, F1 racing and crocodile wrestling .  All very overrated. 
  • For the girls: Always wear your invisible crown.
  • For Caleb: It is never too late to be a Rock Star.
  • The truth always wins.
  • Always be Proudly South African and please never support the All Black’s.
  • You are enough.
  • Please and Thank-you are still magic words, no matter how old you may be.
  • Be kind to others, for everyone you meet is fighting a battle.
  • Always know the difference between what you are getting and what you deserve.
  • Life is far too short to drink bad coffee.
  • It is never about what you ask for but about how you ask for it.
  • Be kind.
  • Music could solve all the world’s problems if we could all just stop and listen. Take time to listen.



** Always remember: I have loved you all before I knew you and I pinky promise I will love you all forever and then some!

Family, random rambles

To my Daughter on her 21st birthday

Dear Tayla,

Today, 21 years ago, my life would be FOREVER changed and I wouldn’t have it any other way.

The memories I have of 23 February 1995 are vivid, colourful and always put a smile on my face.  We all know patience is not my strong point and this was tested after you decided to make me wait an extra 10 odd days for your arrival.  I thank my lucky stars that  Queen were performing at Sun City the on 25 February.  This led our legendary Dr Smit to induce me on 23 February as he was heading off to jol up a storm with Freddie Mercury.

I nervously arrived at the hospital on Wednesday evening.  We were told that all the family must leave and they could return the next morning around 7:00am as I was being induced at midnight. So there I was left alone, not being able to sleep, too excited and nervous about what lay ahead.  No sooner did the induction process start at midnight and so did the contractions.  I remember the old school midwife telling me to wait it out for the “real pain” when I asked for drugs, any drugs!  Next thing I knew the doctor was being called, I was in the shower and being told by the same said midwife that if I didn’t get out of the shower in the next 2 minutes the Dr Smit was coming in to get me out.

With no time for anyone to be called and no drugs, there I was in the labour ward, alone, being introduced to my daughter at 5:30am.  Selfishly I treasure the fact that I had that experience on my own. I felt like someone had finally won my heart and I was happy to hand it over unconditionally.  It was the start of our adventure.

The first official photo of Tayla Vanessa Viviers
The first official photo of Tayla Vanessa Viviers

I remember when you started school in London.  We had just arrived there and you were decked from head to toe in Barbie clothing.  When I fetched you after your first day and asked how it was, you enjoyed it but mentioned that the English yobs kids were teasing you about your clothing.  My heart broke for you but the only concern you had was that they were already Harry Potter books.  So off to GAP we went to kit you out in the coolest clothing.


You have achieved so much that we are all so proud of.  Your overseas exchange that you went on in Grade 7.  I was so shattered that you got to spend your 13th birthday in another country but once again you took it all in your stride and made the most of it.

13th birthday celebrations in the UK
13th birthday celebrations in the UK

Your determination is something I admire.  From Grade 10 you were convinced that you wanted to study Speech and Language Therapy.  I thought it was a phase, that it too would pass.  When I realised in Matric that you were still singing the same tune we arranged for you to job shadow at Groote Schuur Hospital.  Within the first hour I received a message to say that you were loving it and that this is definitely what you wanted to do.  You wanted to help people and make a difference.  Third year into your studies and I have no doubt the people you work with will be richer therefore.

Just love this photo!

Our own Teletubbie


We have been so fortunate to have had such amazing people helping you along your journey.  Your Dad and Nanna have always been there to support you.  They add some sanity to the crazy mix of people in our lives.  Gran and Babe are forever the Pillar of Strength that keep our family together.

The Gran and The Nanna!
The Gran and The Nanna!


The Babe!
The Babe!

My one comfort is that although Pops is not physically here with us to see what a beautiful woman you have grown into, I know he is with you constantly and permanently smiling down on you.

Special times with Pops.
Special times with Pops.

Your siblings (there are a truckload of them) love you to bits and the highlight is always when they they know you are coming home for the week-end.

Ella-Blu and Caleb with you before your Matric Farewell.
Ella-Blu and Caleb with you before your Matric Farewell.
Two peas in a pod.
Two peas in a pod.
Sisterly love
Sisterly love
Welcoming your only brother, while Ella-Blu is not that convinced.
Welcoming your only brother, while Ella-Blu is not that convinced.

We have cried. We have screamed. We have been angry. We have laughed until the tears roll down our cheeks and we do that silly snort.  Most importantly though, we have always loved.

Happy 21st!!
Happy 21st!!

I end this off with words from the wisest Bear there ever was, remember always:


“If ever there is tomorrow when we’re not together,
 There is something you must always remember. 
You are braver than you believe, stronger than 
You seem, and smarter than you think.
 But the most important thing is, even if we’re apart.. I’ll always be with you.”  
Winnie the Pooh

The happiest of birthday’s to you.

Love you Always,


PS… I have saved the embarrassing photos for Saturday’s party


Family, random rambles, Stuff

Heaven has taken my Hero

Dear Pops,

Happy 67th birthday!

Mili-Flyn never had the privileged of meeting you.  All she knows of you are the stories we get to tell, so she knows of you through our wonderful memories.  We always look up at the evening sky and pick out the brightest star, which is you, looking down on us.  She knows you are in Heaven looking over us constantly.  She asked the other day why you couldn’t visit us from Heaven.  The idea that is was too far didn’t seem to matter to her, she said you could simply take a plane. If only it was that simple.

So while you look down on us, I have no doubt you are kicking up your heels in Heaven and having the best celebration.

Miss you always,


Pops the Legend
Pops the Legend
Family, random rambles, Stuff

Do you want to build a Snowman? Mili-Flyn turns 4

Once I got my head around the fact that my little baby and LAST BORN is turning 4, I slotted into party planning mode and took to Pinterest.  Which I am sure every Mother does?  I then presented Mili-Flyn with a list of options for themes, which was such a rookie move on my part.  No amount of negotiations could persuade her to change her mind.  So the theme for this year was: Frozen!

Besides the joys of looking for ideas on Pinterest, most of the ideas and inspiration came from the stunning parties that Melinda Connor of  Pretty Things For You works her magic on! When I grow up, I want to plan parties think she does.  My sister needs a massive round of applause for always being an excellent wing woman for these parties and cutting out copious amounts of snowflakes, Olaf noses and other things.

Even though I was dragging my heels on this theme, it was loads of funny to organise.  As Melinda Connor mentioned, finding blue sweets is the most challenging thing.  Flip, I could not find any blue fizzers or blue fizz pops.  Frozen parties are big business.

Eskom did however add too my stress levels.  Load shedding was scheduled in my area during the Frozen party time slot.  So scratch jumping castle off the list.  Make coffee and tea beforehand in flasks and your problems are solved. Oh, and add a swimming pool for the adventurous kids to wade (unplanned) on the steps. As you can see from the photo’s below the birthday girl had the BEST time! What made it all worthwhile was when the birthday girl saw the table all set up she said it was BEAUTIFUL!

With today being this little person’s actual birthday, I want to wish her the happiest of birthday’s.  Ruling our house with an Iron Fist is no easy task and she manages it seamlessly.  Happy Birthday beautiful child xxx


Birthday Girl
Birthday Girl


Behold the party table.
Behold the party table.



Pin the nose on Olaf
Pin the nose on Olaf
Thank-you goodies
Thank-you goodies
Olaf noses
Olaf noses
Yummy cake
Yummy cake
Melted snow
Melted snow
Reindeer droppings anyone?
Reindeer droppings anyone?
in the words of the birthday girl, the table looked "beautiful"
in the words of the birthday girl, the table looked “beautiful”
All partied out!
All partied out!

High School for Ella-Blu – what the fudge!

Getting Ella-Blu prepared for High School in itself was a challenge.  Not that she was the issue, the new uniform was. Firstly, after she had spent her Primary School years at Sun Valley Primary School, where the uniform is shorts, golf shirt and sneakers/barefoot.  Being the child she is the barefoot option happened, rarely did the sneakers make it onto her feet.  Secondly, with her being such tiny one find uniform that fitted was a MISSION.  In the end it all got sorted and this morning day 1 of her High School journey started.

I did walk her to the gate this morning at the High School, managed to even get a kiss in before she spotted someone she knew and headed off on her journey.  Harder for Mom and Dad who drove to work with giant lumps in throat!


And so the journey begins
And so the journey begins
All of the Tribelet school goers with Dad
All of the Tribelet school goers with Dad
No family shoot nowadays is complete without Cooper
No family shoot nowadays is complete without Cooper
Family, Stuff

14 not out

Today marks our 14 year wedding anniversary!  Pretty damn impressive, if I say so myself.

Now my husband seems to think I don’t have a romantic bone in my body.  Which is such nonsense.  In my mind I am a true romantic at heart.  I mean, I have watched The Notebook at least 30 times.  Each time I watch it, I still do that ugly cry.  The one where you sob and are left with a combination of tears and snot all over your face.  Pfft, at me not being romantic!


In an en devour to prove just how romantic I am, I have put together a MIX TAPE.  You know, like I would have done in high school for my boyfriend.  Cheesy I know, but then romance is cheesy.

So happy 14 years to the man that has been there through think and thin. Is very accepting and supportive of me and all that I take on.  And manages to maintain some sort of sanity in our very crazy house!


Ferreira Mix Tape - Side ASide A:
Still Into You – Paramore / Baby Be Mine – The Parlotones / True Love – Pink /                                Head Over Feet – Alanis Morissette / Stay with Me – Sam Smith / I Believe In A Thing Called Love – The Darkness
Ferreira Mix Tape - Side B
Side B:
You Were Meant For Me – Jewel / Time Of Your Life – Green Day / Thank-you – Dido / Chasing Cars – Snow Patrol / Iris – Goo Goo Dolls



PS… Love you



Some Bunny turns 3

Today brings with it the excitement of Mili’s 3rd birthday.  She has been so excited about this birthday and has not yet grasped the concept that it is a birth DAY and not a birth MONTH!

We had her party on Saturday.  Thank goodness the rain stayed away as I was convinced I was being punished for the sins of my youth when it was still raining at 10am and the party was due to start in 2 hours.  Luckily all cleared and the weather turned out to be very pleasant.

The theme for this year was BUNNIES.  Not that Mili was too chuffed as after buying loads of goodies for the party she informed me when I showed her the cutest grass bunny: “I scared.”  Hmm! Next year I might run the theme past her beforehand.

As usual it turned more into an adult social gathering and for me the chance to see friends I might only see once a year.  What did strike me and gave me that warm and fuzzy feeling was that we have a VERY diverse pool of  friends.  They come in all shapes, sizes, ages, colours and professions.  Put them together though and everyone just does what they do best and enjoy’s themselves.  The standard joke between them now when leaving is : “See you again next year May.”


Play carrots
Play carrots
Some of the goodies
Some of the goodies
Party favours
Party favours
How cute are those tiny bunnies?
How cute are those tiny bunnies?
Mili-Flyn and Godfather Dr Bo
Mili-Flyn and Godfather Dr Bo
Mili-Flyn and K
Mili-Flyn and K
The Cake
The Cake
Birthday girl blowing out her candles
Birthday girl blowing out her candles
Some time with Dad
Some time with Dad

Off to school she headed this morning with cake and sweets in tow for another party.  The challenge for us now is to convince her that her birthday is finally over!

The birthday girl this morning!
The birthday girl this morning!
Family, random rambles

Dear Pops – Random Rambles

Dear Pops,

Seems like ages since we had a catch up… so much has already happened this year.

Tayla – off to Varsity she has gone, settled into her res and still coming home over week-end’s to catch up on series, bring her washing and raid the fridge.

Ella-Blu – can you believe it is her last year of primary school?  I went to the Fish Hoek High School open evening to see what they have to offer for next year.  I have never been a fan of the school but that is due to all the whispers in Valley.  I was pleasantly surprised at what the school had to offer and it goes to show making an informed decision is always better.  I have filled the application form out, all good to go and be dropped at the school.  Can you believe Ella had to sign a Drug Testing Consent Form?  What has this world come too?  She left on her Grade 7 Camp this morning.  They have gone to the Breede River for a couple of days.  She has is so excited about the abseiling. Not sure where that adrenaline junkie comes from.

Caleb – has settled into Grade 2.  He had a part as a newsreader in their assembly. Ev said he took it all very seriously on stage.  He is LOVING cricket.  Bats in the front yard until it is dark at night.  Even gets Mili to bowl him when Ev and Ella have retired from the game.  He has also got over his fear of water and is even doing swimming as a sport at school.

Mili-Flyn – this is one I am sad you never got to meet.  What a character.  Being number 4 in line can’t be easy and I reckon it is a case of sink or swim.  This madam has definitely taken to swimming and marching to her own drum.  She adores her brother.  He is the first thing she asks for when she opens her eyes in the morning.  We started her at a playschool last month.  Only 2 mornings a week,  I didn’t want to overwhelm her at first.  Did I get it wrong! She now cries on the mornings she doesn’t get to go to school and from next month she will be going 5 mornings a week.

Ev – has totally taken to his new job like duck to water.  He is now no longer the agent looking for opportunities for his players but working for a couple sports brands.  So the shoe is on the other foot.

From my side this year is looking to be a whole lot better than last year.  I still have days where I think I am stuck in pile of sinking sand and operate on autopilot; I do think that is part of parenting though. So much to do.  So much to be responsible for.  I now appreciate all that you and Mom did when I was kid. I always had what  I needed and then some.  I now realise how hard it is to sometimes make those things happen for the Tribelets… loads of “behind the scenes” stuff they never need to know about and thankfully I never knew about it.  You just made it happen.  Thank-you.

In general news, Graeme Smith resigned as Protea’s captain.  I know he would not have been your favourite, since you were a Kepler fan. How I still don’t understand! Even though I myself am not a 100% Smith fan (yes Pops, my heart still belongs to Hansie) the records speak for themselves and it will be a loss to our Protea’s.

Oh, I found a recipe that is almost identical to Ouma’s Christmastime Mustard.  I have almost mastered it and it is so good I don’t reserve for Christmas, we feast on it 12 months a year.

Miss you and wish we could have a quickly catch up but I you keep an eye over me daily.  Love to all up there with you.


PS… Have you seen Tata Madiba yet?




Happy Birthday to one angel on Earth and one angel in Heaven

23 February always brings with it mixed emotions. It is day my first little Tribelet was born but also the day my aunt would have celebrated her birthday.

Turn back the clock some 19 plus years. A very nervous me suspected I was pregnant.  The logic thing to do was to call my aunt, Vanessa (who was more like my older sister being only 9 years older then me).  No problem at to her, she sets up the appointment, takes me to our family doctor, swears him to all types of secrecy.  A day later she calls me with the news, that I am indeed pregnant!  She tells me to sit tight, not panic and tells me it will all be okay!

To cut a long story short, Vanessa was there when I shared the news with my folks (who were delighted).  She took me on a shopping trip and bought me my first set of Winnie the Pooh baby goodies.  During my pregnancy Vanessa was diagnosed with cancer.  It was a rapid decline and sadly she passed away on 23 November 1994.  A day imprinted in all our minds, hearts and lives.

The due date for my first bundle was around 13 February.  Seemed this little package (of which I wasn’t sure would arrive with indoor or outdoor plumbing) was in no apparent hurry to enter the world.  The timing did seem right for this bundle to make her entrance into the world on 23 February 1995.  Which also happens to be Vanessa’s birthday.  I am not sure that I am a great believer in coincidence.  I like to think that everything happens for a reasons.  The reason being that Tayla Vanessa would forever have an angel looking after her.  Simple as that.

To my dear Ness:

I know you’re shining down on me from Heaven, like so many friends we’ve lost along the way
And I know eventually we’ll be together, One sweet day
Eventually I’ll see you in Heaven

P.S. please give my Pops an extra big squeeze from me.

To my darling T:

Happy Birthday my love. 19 years of blessings we have had. Remember: always wear your invisible crown